A Better Tomorrow is a podcast dedicated to telling the stories of people who have devoted their lives to making the world a better place. Humankind faces a myriad of daunting challenges; from mitigating climate change, to resource scarcity, to seemingly endless geo-political fights, rapid development in the 3rd world, and a once-in-a-generation refugee crisis. This podcast will focus on the people who tackle these (and other) challenges square in the face, and rather than backing down, or becoming cynical or apathetic, they tap into their creativity, imagination, perseverance, and resourcefulness to tackle these issues. We will tell the stories of people who envision a better world, who envision a more socially-just business, a healthier community, a more efficient system, and then go out into the world and make those dreams a reality. And please help us spread the word about our podcast because we whole-heartedly believe that being a part of building a better tomorrow is contagious.