Episode 4: Detroit Bikes with Zak Pashak

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Detroit Bikes was founded in 2012 with the mission of “encouraging cycling by making an accessible, enjoyable bicycle while continuing Detroit’s legacy of quality manufacturing and design.” Under the inspirational leadership of founder Zak Pashak, Detroit Bikes repurposed an old auto parts factory and turned it into a state of the art of bicycle factory. In addition to building comfortable and affordable bicycles, Detroit Bikes is also proud to employ people who were laid off by the auto industry. Tune in and enjoy a great discussion about bicycles, an American manufacturing renaissance, and building a business with a social mission.

Episode 3: Pipelines And Protest                                                       Standing Rock and Sierra Club's Doug Hayes

Join us for a discussion on the fight to stop the Dakota Access pipeline in Standing Rock, North Dakota, as well as fascinating discussion with Sierra Club's lead attorney, Doug Hayes, about the battle to kill the Keystone XL pipeline

Episode 2: New Era Colorado with Steve Fenberg

New Era Colorado is a non-profit political organization that focuses on registering young people to vote, as well as turn out the vote efforts. New Era has also played key roles organizing activists around a variety of progressive initiatives. We are joined by Steve Fenberg, the Founder and former Executive Director of New Era Colorado. Steve was just elected to the Colorado State Senate. We have a very timely episode where we discuss a wide variety of election related topics, from grass roots organizing to crafting legislative solutions, to reintroducing long term thinking into politics.

Episode 1: New Belgium with Katie Wallace

New Belgium Brewery not only makes delicious craft beers, they are also using business as a force for good. They are 100% employee owned company who advocates for a better planet, and puts their money where the mouth is with state of the art, high efficiency manufacturing, and on-site solar and biogas. We sit down with Katie Wallace, the Assistant Director of Sustainability, for a fascinating conversation that covers everything from reducing their carbon footprint to building a culture of sustainability.